Today’s Featured Wrestler: Gregory Keaton

BY BRANT PARSONS — Kabra Wrestling’s featured wrestler today is Olympia senior Gregory Keaton III.

Let’s learn more about him:

What is your favorite or most memorable match — and why?

My favorite match is also my most memorable match which happens to be my first match ever, the reason for this is because of all the nerves I had before the the match and letting them out with a loud yell at the end of the match.

What are your wrestling goals for the year?

My goals are to be better than I was last year and to become a state champion.

What is your favorite thing about wrestling?

My favorite thing about wrestling is the 1v1 aspect of it, in football or any other sport it’s usually a team effort, yeah we practice as a team but you compete alone in what feels like a island and that’s why I love it so much.

Who is your favorite wrestler to compete against?

Definitely had to be Jovanny Sirius from Olympia (my now teammate), with all the history we had together it was cool recrossing paths in what seemed like a unlikely way.

What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done?

The scariest thing I’ve ever done had to be getting on a Ferris Wheel earlier this year, I don’t do heights at all but it was a fun experience.

Who is your hero and why?

This may sound cliche but my only hero is God, I’m only here because of him and the power of the word of God helps me through any struggle I may have mentally or physically so that’s why he’s my hero.

What is the one thing about you that people would be shocked to know?

I was a multi time state champion in taekwondo in sparring and that fighting was my first sport.

Quick hit favorites

Wrestling move: My favorite wrestling move definitely has to be the lat drop, very risky in certain situations yet so satisfying.

Holiday: My favorite holiday definitely has to be thanksgiving because of all the time you get to spend time with family and show gratitude to them and what’s infront of us.

Musical Artist: I don’t have any in particular but my top 3 is DMX, Pop Smoke, and Pooh Shiesty.

School Subject: My favorite subject in school is history just because of how intriguing it is to me of how far we’ve came in the U.S and as a human race.

If you want to be a featured wrestler for Kabra Wrestling, please fill out our form here.


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