Today’s Featured Wrestler: Bolles’ Grant Silverfield

BY BRANT PARSONS — Kabra Wrestling’s featured wrestler today is Bolles rising freshman Grant Silverfield.

Let’s learn more about him:

What is your favorite or most memorable match — and why?

Major decisioning Romeo Beloncourt in the finals to win the varsity October Mat Classic as a 8th grader

What are your wrestling goals for the year?

Become a state placer as a freshman

What is your favorite thing about wrestling?

The one on one aspect, it’s all you

Who is your favorite wrestler to compete against?

Eddie Craig from Beachside

What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done?

Shark fishing at night

Who is your hero and why?

My coach Matt Morris. A two-time state champ and in the national Hall of Fame

What is the one thing about you that people would be shocked to know?

That I was only an eighth grader

Quick hit favorites

Wrestling move: Underhook throw by

Holiday: Hannukah

Musical Artist: Zach Bryan

School Subject: Civics

If you want to be a featured wrestler for Kabra Wrestling, please fill out our form here.


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